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Terms & Conditions

Please read carefully:

Use of this web site is subject to these terms & conditions and by using the web site you show your agreement the same. If you do not accept our terms & conditions, please do not use this web site. These terms and conditions, together with our booking conditions, privacy policy and security policy, constitutes our agreement with you.

For the avoidance of doubt, this web site is operated by The Global Travel Group Plc (indicated "we", "us" or "our" throughout these Terms and Conditions) on behalf of our member as branded/listed on the home page of this web site.


We and our partners reserve the right, at any time and without notice, to remove or cease to supply any product of service contained on this web site. In the event that such removal takes place we and our partners shall not be liable to you in any way whatsoever for such removal.

Booking Conditions
(in PDF format)

Privacy Statement
(in PDF format)


Prices, and details, of products and services (and any offers) posted online are subject to change without notice. Offers of any kind may also be subject to certain terms and conditions. All products, services and offers are subject to availability and we and our partners give no guarantee with regard to this point. The provision for details of products and services or offers on this web site are not, and should not be construed as an offer to sell or buy such products or services by the relevant company. The company advertising the products and services concerned may accept or reject your offer at its sole discretion.


This web site is for both commercial (e.g. travel agencies, airlines, car hire companies and hotel operators etc.) and non-commercial (personal) use only. The products and services contained on this web site may be supplied on a commercial basis on the basis that the commercial user clearly identifies all the Terms and Conditions upon which we trade to our customers and by using this site the commercial user warrants their client consents to the relevant Terms and Conditions (in so far as that "client" provides personal data which, by using this web site the commercial user consents to our processing such data in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy policy and Security Statement).

In the event that you use any of the products or services contained on this web site for commercial use, then we shall be entitled to charge you at our rates from time to time in force and previously notified to you in respect of such commercial use. However and for the avoidance of doubt, we are under no obligation to previously notify you in respect of such commercial use.


The copyright in the material contained in this web site belongs to us, our partners or our licensed source. For the purposes of a transaction any person may copy any part of this material, subject to the following conditions:
- the material may not be used for any commercial purposes
- the copies must retain any copyrights or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material
- the products and technology or processes described in this web site may be subject to other intellectual property rights reserved by us or other third parties (and no licence is granted in respect of those intellectual property rights)
- images and logos on this web site are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without the written permission of their respective owner(s).


We and our partners reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes on this or our partners web site(s). It is your responsibility to review the web site terms and conditions regularly to ensure you are aware of the same. Your use of this web site after a change has been posted will be deemed to signify your acceptance of the modified terms and conditions. We recommend that you print off and retain for your records a copy of these terms and conditions from time to time and a copy of any terms and conditions relating to any product or service which you apply for online, together with any related application and/or proposal form duly completed and submitted to us or our partners (and received by us or our partners). Any amendment to any terms and conditions must be agreed in writing by us or by the relevant company with whom you contract.


Whilst we have taken care in the preparation of the contents of this web site, the web site and information, names, images, pictures, logos and icons regarding or relating to us or any part of our Group and/or associated and/or sister companies, or the products and services of the same (or to third party products and services or those of our carefully selected partners), are provided on an "as existing" basis without any representation or endorsement being made and without any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. To the extent permitted by law, all such terms and warranties are hereby excluded. In no event will we and/or our group, sister or associated and/or partner companies be liable (whether in contract or tort, including negligence or breach of statutory duty or otherwise) for any losses sustained and arising out of or in connection with use of this web site including, without limitation, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of data or special loss.

We do not make claim that the information contained in this web site is accurate, comprehensive, verified or complete, and shall accept no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the web site or for any reliance placed by any person or party (including but not limited to any third party) on the information contained herein. Furthermore and for the avoidance of doubt, should a manual input "pricing" or "description" error occur, we reserve the right to inform you, cancel your booking for "nil" cost and give you the option to re-book at the higher price or lower price (as dictated at the time).

We do not warrant that the functions or materials accessible from or contained in this web site will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected or that this web site or the server that makes it available are virus or bug free or represent the full functionality, accuracy or reliability of the materials.

If any of these Terms and Conditions (or any terms and conditions relating to a product or service referred to in this or any of our partner web sites should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which such terms and conditions are intended to be effective, then to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability, and in relation to such state or country only, such terms or condition shall be deleted and severed from the rest of the relevant terms and conditions and the remaining terms and conditions shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.


Headings used in these terms and conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.


Unless otherwise specified, the products and services described in this web site are available only to UK residents (excluding the Channel Islands and Isle of Man). The information on this web site is not directed at anyone other than UK residents and applications from others will, unless otherwise stated, not be accepted. We make no representation that any product or service referred to on this or our partners web site is appropriate for use, or available in other locations. The information and other materials contained in this web site may not satisfy the laws of any other country and those who choose to access this site from other locations are responsible for compliance with local laws if and to the extent local laws are applicable. The phone numbers provided only apply to phone calls made from within the UK.

These Terms and Conditions and any terms and conditions relating to products or services described in this web site shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Disputes arising in relation to the same shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed, be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


Certain (hypertext) links may lead you to web sites that are not under the control of us or our carefully selected partners. When you activate any of these links, you will leave our web site and we have no control over and will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of the material on any such other web site. By allowing links with third party web sites we do not intend to solicit business or offer any security to any person in any country, directly or indirectly.


Entirely subject to our Privacy Policy, telephone calls using the telephone numbers provided on this web site and e-mail correspondence with us at the e-mail addresses accessible through, or discernible from, this web site may be recorded or monitored. By using such communication methods you are consenting to the recording or monitoring of the same.


If you apply for any product or service detailed on this web site, these Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with any other terms and conditions which relate to any such product or service, i.e. booking terms & conditions (in particular those of our carefully selected partners e.g. airlines, car hire companies and hotel operators) and, in the event of any contradiction between these Terms and Conditions and the specific terms and conditions relating to such product or service, the latter shall prevail. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, "product(s)" and "service(s)" shall not include, without limitation, any representation and/or warranty and/or advice as to the suitability and/or fitness for purpose of either for the user's express and/or implied purpose. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects your statutory rights as a consumer.


The images, logos and names on this web site identify us and our carefully selected partners. Nothing contained in this web site shall be deemed to confer on any person any licence or right on the part of the companies mentioned above or any third party with respect to any such image, logo or name.